" Via Ultra is bringing everything the fitness industry needs, which is clarity and an actual scientific understanding of what we put in our bodies and why. We want our products to be the force that pushes you farther than you have gone before, feel better than before and simultaneously achieve more. "
Preworkout - COSMIC PUNCH
L-Citrulline is a nonessential amino acid that is a fast-acting ingredient that aids in the production of nitric oxide levels and acts as a vasodilator leading to the pump everyone knows and loves. Malic acid acts in much the same way but takes longer to digest, leading to the effects lasting the entirety of the workout.
Enhances muscular endurance in any high intensity exercises that last longer than one minute. It also triggers a feeling of paresthesia; this is the feeling of pins and needles or any tingling in your body.
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that is used to replenish dopamine and norepinephrine, especially under stressful situations. This results in a more focused workout.
Helps regulates the bodies NO levels and slows the metabolism of NO allowing the pump to last longer. Agmatine alone is considered a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator. Agmatine alone also helps increase adrenaline and dopamine. This supplement acts as a pump ingredient and offers pain alleviations.
Caffeine has been proven to improve strength, recovery, and muscle power.